



  1. Rain falls upon the earth, bringing life and prosperity.(雨水滋润大地,带来生机与繁荣。)
  2. The gentle rain nourishes the plants, helping them to grow and flourish.(绵绵细雨滋养植物,助其生长繁茂。)
  3. After the rain, the rainbow appears, symbolizing hope and new beginnings.(雨过天晴,彩虹出现,象征着希望与新的开始。)
  4. Like the rain that falls from the sky, your life will be filled with blessings and abundance.(如从天而降的雨水,你的生命将充满祝福和富足。)
  5. May your life be like a gentle rain, bringing joy and fulfillment to all who cross your path.(愿你的生命如绵绵细雨,为遇到你的人带来喜悦与满足。)
  6. Just as the rain nourishes the earth, your presence brings life and prosperity to those around you.(正如雨水滋润大地,你的存在为周围的人带来生机与繁荣。)
  7. The rain falls upon the just and the unjust alike, reminding us that blessings can come to all.(雨水洒落在正义与不义之人身上,提醒我们祝福可以降临在每个人身上。)
  8. In the rain, we find solace and renewal.(在雨中,我们找到安慰与新生。)
  9. The rain washes away our worries and brings us peace.(雨水冲刷我们的烦恼,带给我们安宁。)
  10. May your life be like a refreshing rain, bringing joy and happiness wherever you go.(愿你的生命如一场清凉的雨,无论走到哪里都带来喜悦与幸福。)





Hope[həup] 希望Dagny(达格妮) 白天 光明之意Eilene 光明的携带者 Helen (希腊)光的意思。 人们认为helen是美丽的上流社会的女子,有著黑发与黑眸,优雅、聪明受过高等教育的。 Lucia 同lucy光明的意思,lucy 来自拉丁字lux。 人们认为lucia是很有趣的乡村女孩,活泼,搞笑,聒噪,可爱;认为lucy是有趣的乡村女孩,活泼可爱,风趣,引人注意。